Meet our beauty vlogger, Sharna
Hi! I’m 45 years old and a professional photographer. I love going out and socialising with my friends, going to concerts and eating out. I also do a lot of charity work.
My guilty pleasure is…
I’m an absolute skincare and make-up junkie. I really enjoy shopping for new beauty products and taking inspiration from magazines, in store and TV. I LOVE trying new beauty products – especially anti-ageing ones.
Beauty products I can’t live without…
That’s a tricky one, but my real essentials are SPF25 foundation, bronzer, eyebrow pencil, mascara – and plenty of it! – and serum, which I use morning and night.
My skincare routine is…
I always remove my make-up, no excuses. But I don’t always do a full skincare routine every night – cleanse, tone and moisturise – but I do always apply moisturiser.
I’m a great believer in…
Exfoliation! I exfoliate every few days and I really do believe it’s a beauty must. It really does help my skin look and feel great. I’m also a huge believer in using a good anti-ageing moisturiser.
My main obsession is…
Teeth! I’m obsessed with my teeth and I do tend to use whitening toothpastes.