Claim back your weekends

It’s time to stop wasting your Saturdays and Sundays on chores and make the most of the best part of the week. Here’s how to stay sorted with less stress.

In term time, family life from Monday to Friday is a hectic whirl, so come the weekend, all we want to do is relax at home. But what about the shopping, garden, kids’ activities and seeing granny? Here are a few tips for getting the balance right.

Change your pace

Even if you only have an hour to spare you’ll actually be more productive, not less, if you take some time out. Why not try some of our simple Relax-at-home techniques?

Simplify your life

Reduce the number of events in your diary and life will actually be richer, because you’ll feel less rushed and more relaxed to enjoy the moment. Here are 3 easy steps to de-clutter your world.

Don’t let chores rule your weekend

Instead, set yourself a time limit. See our checklist for an effective Headline house clean and get everyone to help so it’s all sorted on Friday evening or before noon on Saturday.

De-stress and stay well

If we’re run down and burdened by worries, we’re more susceptible to illness – wasting those precious days off. Make a list of your commitments, prioritise what’s really important to you and say ‘no’ to the other demands on your time. Check out our Ditch the guilt article for tips on how to decide what really matters to you.

Plan what you really love doing

Make the most of every weekend by plotting in at least one favourite experience. It could be a Friday-night family cinema trip or just an hour-long bath and beauty session all to yourself on a Sunday morning. Mix it up each weekend, but make sure you fit it in – it’ll put the grocery shopping back into perspective! Why not try the ideas in our article How to enjoy a little relaxing me-time?