Five exercises you and your teenage daughter can do together

Strengthen your bond as well as your muscles with these activity ideas that you can do with your daughter

It's all too easy for teenagers to relegate themselves to their bedrooms and only emerge when they need food, but it's important to teach your child to be active.

Not only is it great for their health, it's also good for their wellbeing, confidence and life skills.

A good way to get them up and about is to set an example and exercise regularly yourself, and encourage them to join you.

Even if your daughter has started her period, let her know she can still exercise - and in fact it could help alleviate the cramps.

If she's still using sanitary towels, it's a good time to introduce her to tampons, which are much more convenient when exercising.

Tampax Active Fresh is a great option, as the unique LeakGuard and ActiFresh technologies stop leaks and odours in their tracks.

For more guidance on helping your teen to use tampons for the first time, click here.

And for activity inspiration, here are five great ideas for you and your daughter to do together.

1. Swimming

Now the warmer weather is here, the idea of stripping down to your swimwear is (marginally) less scary, so head for your local pool and swim some lengths together.

You could make it more fun by racing each other or setting challenges, like trying to do a whole length underwater, or diving for a coin.

For a more relaxed day, swim at a spa instead and reward yourselves with time in the Jacuzzi and sauna afterwards for a great girly day.

2. Badminton or tennis

Play against each other for a bit of healthy competition - although if you are a more experienced player, you will need to bear this in mind to make it fair.

If you are both beginners or want to work on your technique, go to a tennis coach together. Learning something alongside your daughter is a great bonding experience and you can practice together whenever you can get to a court.

3. Cycling

Why not go for a cycle together to soak up some fresh air and beautiful scenery.

Okay so your teen would probably rather grab her bike and head out with her friends, but you can always bribe her with the promise of picnic with a couple of yummy treats. After all, you've earnt it with all that peddling.

For route inspiration, click here.

4. Walking

If you have a dog, make a pact with your daughter to walk it together at least once a week.

Or perhaps your daughter is stressed over her exams, fallen out with a friend, or having boy problems. Let her know that some fresh air and exercise will help work it out of her system, and if she wants to talk, you're right there to listen.

Simply do a brisk walk around the block together, or to and around the local park, grabbing a coffee if she decides she wants to chat.

5. Zumba

Do a fun and silly class together, like Zumba. She might be embarrassed (of you) at first, but set an example by relaxing, enjoying yourself and showing that it's okay to laugh at yourself.

This will be a great lesson in confidence for your daughter, as well as a chance to dance around and get fit.

Do you and your daughter have a favourite fitness activity you do together? We'd love to hear about it in the comments section below.