Five reasons why your posture is the perfect party accessory

There is real power in standing a little taller – here’s how perfecting your posture can help you feel confident at parties, and beyond.

No matter how many times we’ve been around the block, we’ve all experienced those moments where our confidence deserts us. Facing a room full of people at a Christmas party, for example, is a classic time for the butterflies to kick in.

But, according to experts, there’s a way to turn that around – and it’s pretty simple, as it’s all down to your posture.

Check out these five reasons fixing your posture can boost your confidence, and you’ll be walking tall in no time.

1. Good posture can hide insecurities

According to experts, touching your neck is a surefire way of letting people know you’re anxious (it’s a primitive move – to protect your jugular vein, apparently). Instead, keep hands by your sides or in your lap when you’re not feeling at the top of your game.

If you’re reaching for your neck and shoulders because you’re conscious of dandruff, try Head and Shoulders Classic Clean Shampoo to keep your scalp flake-free, your hair luscious, and your confidence high.

2. Others will take you more seriously

When we’re nervous, it’s easy to ‘shrink’ and make ourselves appear smaller, but experts agree that pulling ourselves up straight (shoulders back, spine straight and chin up) is a better way to feel confident and ensure people take us – and our opinions – seriously.

3. You’ll feel more capable

Studies have shown that taking on a ‘positive’ upright posture can change how we feel about ourselves, as we rate our skills more highly after changing to this more empowering, confident position.

4. Your energy will improve

Research shows that stretching, standing up or even just sitting straighter after sitting down for long periods can help improve energy levels and mood. It’s even been said to reduce stress levels, so it’s a smart idea to incorporate this into our daily routines as well as at special occasions.

It boosts your breathing

An upright posture increases your oxygen intake significantly, and a better breathing technique means your body feels more relaxed and confident as a result. So walking into that party should feel a lot less daunting.

How do you feel confident when you’re walking into a party?

Let us know in the comments section below.