Budget homemade Halloween costumes for your kids

The trick to creating inexpensive outfits that'll go down a treat with your little monsters

The little devil

You could play “devil’s advocate” and argue that most of us don't have to dress up our kids for this one! But here’s how to embellish your little devil…

What you'll need: A red Alice band, a large sheet of cardboard, red paint, sellotape, pencil, red top, red trousers.

To make: Start by painting your cardboard red on both sides and allowing it to dry completely. Now cut out two devil's horns and attach securely to the Alice band with tape. Create your little devil's fork by carefully drawing the shape onto the remaining card and then cutting it out.

The baby bat

They'll love hanging out as a bat.

What you'll need: Approx half a metre of black fabric, chalk, black thread, pair of kids sunglasses, a sheet of black card, pencil, black top, black trousers.

To make: Use the chalk to mark out bat wings on the black fabric. You need curves on one side of each wing, and a T shape on the other (to go under the arms of the black top). Carefully cut out your wings and stitch them onto the top. To create the mask, use the sunglasses as your base and tape on a bat face that you’ve drawn onto the black card.

A ghoulish ghost

Costumes don't come much easier – or cheaper – than this one.

What you'll need: An old white sheet, scissors, a black marker pen, a white top and trousers.

To make: Cut the sheet so it's a full-length costume for your child. Now cut out holes for the eyes, mouth and arms (removing the sheet from your child first!). Use the black marker pen to draw around the eye and mouth holes and add any other scary additions that take your fancy (cobwebs and spiders work well!).

Mummy's little mummy

A little bit of sewing involved but well worth the effort.

What you'll need: Rolls of crepe bandage, a pot of weak tea (yes, really!), a needle and white cotton, a pale-coloured top and trousers (these don’t have to be old because you can easily remove the bandages from them afterwards).

To make: Start by giving your bandages a soak in tea to ‘age’ them up a bit (about half an hour should do it). Leave to dry and then simply stitch the bandages in strips over the top and trousers. Obviously if you have a sewing machine, you can use that, but even if you’re sewing by hand, it shouldn’t take too long as you’re not looking for a perfect finish – some bits hanging loose will add to the effect.

Wrap some bandages around your child’s head (leaving spaces for the eyes and mouth) and your mummy is good to go.

A scary skeleton

Make no bones about it, this one is easy-peasy and costs no more than a roll of masking tape and some face paints.

What you'll need: Black top, black trousers, masking tape, white and black face paints.

To make: Use the masking tape to stick 'bones' on the front of the black clothing. Paint their face white then give them big black eyes, sunken cheeks, and skeleton teeth.

Keeping those costumes clean and soft

To keep sensitive little souls comfortable on All Soul's Night – and every other night – make sure you wash with Fairy Non Bio, which gets The Skin Alliance seal of approval for sensitive skin.

Have you got any Halloween costume ideas of your own? Share them with us in the comments section below.