Family games that are perfect for the park

Now the sunshine's here, it's time to tempt the kids away from the games consoles and get them playing out in the fresh air. Try these ideas for getting the whole family moving.

After a long winter cooped up inside, it feels great to be out in the sunshine and fresh air. But it sometimes takes a little more than the promise of a stroll in the park to tempt your kids away from their screens and video games.

With these fun outdoor games, you'll soon have the whole family giggling together - and give the kids a taste for open-air fun at the same time.

Of course, outdoor games mean you're bound to get a few grass stains and muddy splashes on their clothes. Fairy Non-Bio washing liquid will get them clean again in no time, and its sensitive formula is kind to skin.

So next time they slip on that T-shirt, they'll be clean and comfortable for another action-packed day.


You probably don't have a big enough family for a five-a-side match - and that may be a relief - but you can keep footy-mad kids happy with this version for three or more players.

Put down jumpers for goalposts, then put one volunteer in goal while all the other players compete to get the ball and score. The first player to get three goals becomes the new goalie and the game begins again.

Water balloon toss

Save this one for the really hot days when you'll dry off in no time. But there's nothing like a bit of water for having fun in the sun.

Fill up a water balloon as much as you can and tie it off. Then carefully throw it from person to person: each member of the family will have to try and catch it gently so it doesn't burst. When it does, start again, until pretty soon you'll all be soaked. Once the giggles have died down, you can let the sun dry you out.

Frisbee rounders

Need something to keep a group of kids busy on a sunny day? Try this frisbee game.

Set up four bases in a diamond (you can use jumpers or hoodies) just like rounders. The "batter" throws the frisbee and then tries to run around the bases. The other players try to catch their frisbee before it touches the ground or to throw it back to the base they are running to. The batting team gets a run every time one person reaches home base, but when three players are out, the teams switch.


This is a great game if you need to get your breath back but still want to keep the kids' competitive instincts engaged.

Just find a flat patch of grass or a bit of gravel and toss out the small ball, called the jack. Then each player has two shots to see who can land their boule closest to it. If you don't have a set of dedicated boules you can try using old cricket balls, or pick up some smooth stones to play with.

Treasure hunt

Lure your youngsters out of the house with a clue and a promise of treasure.

Leave a trail of clues that will send them scampering all over the park while you follow behind (or take a well-earned break). Get the kids working as a team or competing against each other and make sure there's a bit of a treat at the end for them as a reward for running around and solving your brainteasing riddles.

What are your favourite games for the park? Share your ideas in the comments below.