5 cool ways to Christmas as a couple


Looking at the ads, you could be forgiven for thinking that a big family Christmas is compulsory. But it doesn’t have to be, with our top tips for just the two of you…

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There are so many reasons why you might not want to go for a big celebration every year. It could be that you just don’t fancy it, and would rather something quieter or the opportunity to do something different for a change.

Or it might not be by choice. Your kids might be all grown up and wanting to spend it elsewhere, or your own family separation might mean that it’s just not an option.

Whatever the reasons, the truth is that you can have a top time when it’s just the two of you. Here’s how…

1. Start a new tradition

Embrace change by reinventing your festive season with some new ideas. Host a chic cocktail party for friends and neighbours. Upgrade your old decorations for sleek new ones. Treat yourselves to Christmas dinner at your favourite restaurant.

You’re not setting aside family traditions, you’re layering new ones on top.

2. Volunteer to help others

Giving something back at Christmas is rewarding, and can give you a warm, fuzzy feeling of happiness, something Allan Luks, author of The Healing Power of Doing Good calls the ‘Helper’s High’. There’s bound to be plenty to do in your own community, or check out charities online to see if they need help. Try Royal Voluntary Service, The Trussell Trust, Crisis and Shelter.

3. Change the Christmas rules

This year, it’s all about you two. No stress, no rows, no need to spend all day slaving away in the kitchen. As you don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn to get the turkey in the oven, have a lazy lie-in under the covers (wash them in Fairy Non Bio for some super-soft snuggling).

Once you’re up, stay in your PJs all day if the mood takes you, or get as glammed up as you like. Have a leisurely breakfast, play music, and binge on the boxsets or movies you’ve always wanted to see. Take a romantic walk or play board games. Enjoy a big brunch, canapés for lunch, a Mexican feast for supper. You are rewriting the rules, remember?

4. Travel, escape, explore – together

How do you fancy the idea of building a Christmas Day ‘snowman’ out of sand on a tropical beach, rather than spending the day in winter woollies? If a bit of winter sun has always felt out of reach when you had to pay for the whole family to go, now could be the time to try it.

Travel over the festive season can be expensive, but sometimes December 25 is the cheapest day of the Christmas period to fly off on holiday, as most people want to travel before or after it. Planning a trip gives you something to look forward to so you’re less likely to miss the family.

Already booked? Then check out our pre-holiday beauty checklist to make sure that you look your best on the beach. And make grooming on the go easy by slipping a Braun epilator into your suitcase.

5. Be flexible with family

Just because you can’t be together on Christmas Day itself, you can still see your loved ones over the festive period. A lavish buffet lunch on New Year’s Eve or Boxing Day can be made easy if you ask everyone to bring a dish, or you could do a traditional turkey and trimmings lunch earlier in December.

Letting go of the notion that only Christmas Day matters will guarantee you a happy holiday season, this year and for many more to come.

How do you celebrate Christmas when it’s just the two of you?