Spending quality time with your son

Ways to enjoy dedicated time together, away from every day chores.

Whatever age your son is, spending time with him is so valuable, and with older children especially, doing things together can often be the best way to get him to feel relaxed and share news or things that are on his mind.

5 ways to grab time together

Slow down the journey home from school 
With younger children, instead of the usual rush, make a virtue of a meandering journey home. Maybe even take a ball and go home via the park, just you and him!

Break out the biscuits
Older boys will often disappear to their bedrooms after school, but you could ask your son if he wants to join you for a coffee or a juice. Invite him to sit down and share a plate of biscuits (perfect bait!), and spend just 10 minutes together – it’ll often turn into half an hour.

Do the Saturday sports run
If dad usually takes your son to football or swimming, for example, offer to swap duties every now and then. Maybe volunteer to get involved with the team in some way.

Go bowling
Doing a sporty activity together is a great way to share time with boys. Bowling or something similar (even just a game on the computer or TV at home) might well be something your son is better at than you, so invite him to give you a few tips.

Find out what he enjoys
As your children get older, you don’t need to be their ‘social organiser’ so much. But if they have a favourite book or comic writer or type of movie they enjoy, keep a look out for an excuse to get out to an event together – a Dr Who or Harry Potter exhibition, a book-signing etc.

Savvy tip
Try to ‘be around’. Making time to maybe watch a DVD with the rest of the family rather than being busy in the kitchen will underline the fact that you are there for your children when they need you.

Pass it on – ways to spend quality time at home 
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