Expert help from ‘The Supernanny for Teens’
Remember what your talks are really about.
While on the surface they’re about puberty, they’re actually to help your teen respect and accept their changing body and love themselves more. It’s a talk about empowerment and choice. What better conversation is there to have?
Be honest.
If you’re finding it challenging, say so. You needn’t have all the answers right now. You’re just starting the conversation, after all. Be truthful and let your teen know your intentions and how you are feeling. This is a team effort, not a top-down conversation, so start as you mean to go on.
Ask your teen how she would best like to have this talk.
Let your child know it’s important for you to have the talk, but ask what’s best? ‘Would you like to go somewhere or stay at home?’ Would your teen like some information first, then the talk? If your teen is quiet by nature, her or she may prefer to research first and ask questions, rather than have a fully-blown conversation that a more outgoing child may be happy with.
Take the pressure off yourself.
This doesn’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to know it all, and get it all right. You just need to start the conversation.
Get support.
If you are finding it difficult to start talking, call a friend or family member you can talk to and who can give you good helpful advice.
Don’t make it serious.
While this may be an important conversation, it doesn’t have to be serious. Lighten it up as much as you can, it’ll put both of you at ease!
If you’d like to find out more about communicating with your teen – girl or boy – pick up a free copy of ‘'Mum's Guide to #TeenTalk’ in your local Boots. It’s packed with lots of helpful advice on talking to your teen about puberty and the changes his or him or her body will go through.