5 food myths – true and false

Sofia Antonsson, registered dietitian, looks at some of the most common misunderstandings we have about our eating habits and what we drink.

“Coffee increases fat metabolism” FALSE

The amount of fatty acids in the blood increases with intake of caffeine, but this does not mean that the body's consumption of fat necessarily increases.
However, if a cup of coffee tends to make you exercise harder and longer, this helps your total energy consumption, hence the fat metabolism increase.

“Blueberries are good for you” TRUE

Blueberries are a great healthy snack as they are very rich in substances known as antioxidants. Antioxidants is a collective term for a large group of substances found particularly in fruits and vegetables. They protect cells, and play a large role in protecting against diseases. Different colours indicate that the foods contain different antioxidants so a varied diet of fruits and vegetables in all the colours of the rainbow is a good idea.

“Eggs increase the cholesterol levels in the blood” FALSE

As long as you do not suffer from high cholesterol you can safely include eggs in your daily diet . It is the body's own production of cholesterol that determines the cholesterol level in the blood. Egg is a valuable food for protein, minerals and vitamins including valuable vitamin D.

“Nuts are good for you” TRUE

Unless you have a nut allergy, nuts are a great natural food full of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial fats that the body needs. 100 grams provides as many calories as a full meal, so you should adjust your consumption according to how much energy you are using. Eat a mix of brazils, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews and almonds and avoid salted nuts.

“Eating late at night will cause you to gain weight” FALSE

If you have a biorhythm or lifestyle that makes you eat one of your main meals later in the evening, this won’t necessarily affect your weight. What you eat at night is metabolized in the same way as what you eat during the day. Whether you gain or lose weight or keep the same weight is determined by the total of what you eat in 24 hours and how much you exercise and move around.

Savvy tip
Young people often worry about their diets and eating habits. Check out our article on 5 food myths to bust with teenagers.
