Too glued to the Olympic Games for chores?

Right now, we’re all too busy cheering on Team GB to waste lots of time doing chores, which is why we need these clever tricks to free up more time

The cooking, the cleaning, the washing… it all still needs doing however exciting things are getting at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.

Here’s a few ideas to help you get it all done in record-breaking time.

‘Cheat’ suppers

Pasta and bottled sauce makes a great no-effort supper. Or how about buying a ready-cooked chicken and serving it with a salad and some French bread?

Not only will you save time on cooking but there’ll be less washing up as well!

Make the washing easier

Okay, the Washing Fairy’s not going to turn up and do the family’s laundry just because the Olympic Games is on (sorry!). But Ariel 3in1 Pods are the next best thing. They clean, lift stains and brighten and they get great results first time (because who wants to have to wash things more than once to get them clean?).


Contrary to how it can sometimes seem, it’s not just mums that can do chores! If your family doesn’t normally help out, now’s a perfect time to get them pitching in.

Set up a schedule in advance so that everybody knows what they have to do and by when.

Kids less than enthusiastic? How about offering up a little reward like a family pizza when everybody has done their bit?

Clean before you clean

A little time spent sorting out your cleaning cupboard can save you time in the long run. No more having to move a whole lot of junk every time you want to get the vacuum out.

How about making up a cleaning caddy with everything you need from cloths to products? That way it’s ready and waiting and can easily be carried all around the house.

Think about streamlining the products you use too. Professional cleaners tend to use a relatively small number of products that they know really do the job – or even jobs – perfectly.