10 last-minute things to do before moving

From creating memories to more practical must-dos, this checklist will make sure everything’s shipshape and orderly before (and on) moving day the big house move…

A new life beckons, but before you close the door on your old home, work through this handy checklist to ensure nothing has been forgotten.

1. Put your necessary in a safe place

2. Create a small box of essentials for every family member

3. Pack a box of cleaning essentials for your new home

4. Pack the kettle!

5. Organise an online supermarket delivery to your new address

6. Read the gas and electricity meters

7. Do a quick last-minute check

8. Speed-clean the house

9. Take a family snapshot in the garden

10. Leave the keys with a bottle of fizz

1. Put your essentials in a safe place

First things first, put your purse and all essentials – such as your wallet, phone, car keys and new house keys – somewhere safe where there’s no chance they’ll get lost, packed or locked in the house you’re leaving. You really don’t want to lose these today!

2. Create a small box of essentials for every family member

Include favourite snacks, age-appropriate technology, books, pyjamas, blanket and pillow, washcloth and toothbrush. If you have a long journey ahead, everything they may need is in the box, and it means you don’t have to search for essentials if you arrive at your new home late that night.

3. Pack a box of cleaning essentials for your new home

If you can, arrange to get there earlier than the movers, so you can sweep through before the boxes and furniture are unloaded. Flash Ultra Power  will make easy work of cleaning your rooms – thoroughly washing any floor surfaces, plus quickly wiping down the bathrooms and kitchen, will give you peace-of-mind.

4. Pack the kettle!

Along with mugs, teabags, coffee, UHT milk and snacks in a small box so you can rehydrate as soon as you get to your new home. Unpacking always goes better when everyone has a hot drink!

5. Organise an online supermarket delivery to your new address

It means you’ll at least have the basics before needing to go out and do a big grocery store trip – plus, you may not even know where the nearest supermarket is!

6. Read the gas and electricity meters

Then you’re up-to-date on your usage and can inform the appropriate providers.

7. Do a quick last-minute check

It’s easy for toys or one of a pair of shoes to get left in cupboards, closets or storage spaces, especially if you have toddlers or pets. Make sure they haven’t picked up and dropped a favourite blanket somewhere without anyone noticing.

8. Speed-clean the house

It’s so much easier with everything out and boxed. With the right equipment and everyone lending a hand, it shouldn’t take long. Quick cleaning tip: Flash Magic Erasers  will eradicate even the stains and scuff marks you thought were there for life.

9. Take a family snapshot in the garden

Gather in your favourite spot, set the timer on your smartphone and take a couple of last photographs in your old home. It’s a time to look forwards, not back, but a fun and happy photo will help you remember your old stomping ground with love and affection.

10. Leave the keys with a bottle of fizz

You had no idea how many doors and windows the house had until you needed to find the keys for them all, right? Collect them up and label them – then leave on the kitchen counter for your home’s next family with a good luck card and a bottle of champagne. It’s a helpful and kind gesture that will be greatly appreciated. Deep breath, shoulders back and out you go – hello, new life!

What are your best tips for helping a house move go smoothly? Please comment below – we’d love to hear them!