4 ways to embrace Autumn

Wrap up warm and get ready for a season to remember

As the days get colder and shorter and the nights get longer and darker, it’s easy to overlook how truly wonderful autumn can be. With its vibrantly coloured leaves, enticing scents, natural beauty and a refreshing aura, it’s time to stop thinking about autumn as the layover between summer holidays and Christmas fun. Here’s how to embrace the season with a smile on your face.

1. Go native

The natural beauty of autumn is breathtaking and makes for the perfect opportunity to embrace your inner child. Don your welly boots and big coat and dive into a gigantic pile of colourful leaves. Or bring some nuts to the park and feed the squirrels. While you’re there, collect up armfuls of conkers for hours of playful fun with the rest of the family. And don’t forget to start feeding the birdsas the weather cools down

2. Taste the season

One of the best things about autumn is that the cold weather gives you an excuse to eat what you want (well, within reason obviously...) Take time out with our divine homemade hot chocolate recipe sipped slowly while mediating at your living room window, watching the leaves fall. For dinner, fill up with healthy, warming slow cooker stews and sausage casseroles.Delicious!

3. Build a blaze

There’s nothing like a roaring blaze to heat things up – the mesmerising flames and comforting scent set the perfect scene for a snuggle session. So gather up a thermos of mulled apple juice, a warm blanket and some marshmallows and get ready to bask in the compliments coming your way – a well-built bonfire is a great way to impress the kids. Just make sure you have Febreze Air Effects spray on hand – it’ll eliminate those smoky odours from your clothing so there’s no need to worry about smelling like a sooty chimney.

4. Create a centrepiece

Bring autumn into your home by creating a haven dedicated to its glorious beauty. Evoke memories of falling leaves with autumn-hued cushions and rugs, or fill an elegant glass vase with a colourful collection of autumn leaves and pinecones for an eye-catching scent-sational display. It can get a little musty inside during the cooler months, so invest in the Febreze Winter Garden collection, designed to eliminate odours, leaving you with nothing but a continuous light, fresh fragrance that will add to the autumnal atmosphere.