Declutter your wardrobe ahead of Spring
An overstuffed wardrobe isn’t good on any front. Not only does it make it difficult to find anything but your clothes get crushed and crumpled and it’s a haven for moths and their eggs.
So it makes sense to have a little overhaul at the start of each season to de-clutter and reorganise. Our four-step guide makes it quick and easy.
Step one: Get everything out
Begin by emptying your wardrobe so you can really take stock of everything you have.
This is a good opportunity to vacuum out the inside of your wardrobe too.
Step two: Keep, donate, recycle
Now’s the time to get ruthless! You need three piles:
Keep: Start by making a pile of the clothes you definitely want to keep. The rule of thumb here is that if you haven’t worn something in two years, you probably aren’t going to wear is anytime soon!
Donate: Give anything that you don’t want but that’s in good condition to charity. That skirt you got on sale but never wore could be just what someone else is looking for.
Recycle: If things are in no fit state for charity, how about recycling them into something new? A blouse with a rip under the arm could be transformed into a scarf, for example, an old skirt could become dusters. Whatever you can’t use can go to the fabric bank.
Step three: Rearrange
Before placing your kept items back in to your wardrobe, make sure you have a system in mind. Think about your current storage and what you like and don’t like about it—perhaps you’d like to put your jumpers in a different spot, or your shoes always clutter the floor? Here are a few things that could help you to create the perfect wardrobe for you:
- Use a hanging shoe rack for shoes, rolled ties, jewellery and more.
- Put bulkier items such as jumpers out of sight by placing them in stackable storage boxes.
- If space allows, make more room for shirts, socks and underwear by placing a small chest of drawers in the closet.
- Create extra hanging space for belts, hats, bathrobes and even handbags by adding hooks to the back of the wardrobe doors.
Step four: Out-of-season storage
To create even more space in your wardrobe, how about packing away all those heavy coats and woollies (hey, let’s be optimistic!). Vacuum storage bags are brilliant at swallowing up more than you can possibly imagine.
Last but not least
It goes without saying that whether you’re putting something back in your wardrobe or placing it into storage, you’ll want it to be spotlessly clean. Don’t miss our top ten ways to get rid of stains.