When pet gets smelly

How to keep your home smelling sweet however many furry friends you’ve got

However crazy we are about our pets, they may not always smell delightful, especially if they’re getting on a bit. They can even make our homes a bit whiffy.

However, it doesn’t take lots of time and effort to keep things smelling more rosy than Rover-y.

Prevention is better than cure

A well-cared for pet is much less likely to smell than a neglected one, so regular grooming, including baths are a good idea.

Don’t forget to pay attention to your pooch’s oral hygiene too. Dog breath can be all too real!

Think pet paraphernalia

Your furry friend’s bedding, toys and food bowls could all be contributing to bad smells in your home. To help stop this, ensure you keep everything they come into contact with clean; wash their food bowls as you would your family’s dishes and wash bedding and washable toys thoroughly and regularly.