Three quick and easy family suppers

Here are some tasty dinners that you can get on the table in no time – but will have the whole family coming back for more

Homework to help with, washing to put on, school permission forms to sign… weeknights can be pretty hectic when you’re a mum!

Which is why you want a stash of failsafe recipes that take very little time and even less effort, but are also nutritious and tasty. Recipes just like these…

Pasta Pronto

Dried pasta is a great store-cupboard standby, but fresh pasta makes a tasty change and cooks in just a few minutes.

At a glance: Follow the packet instructions to cook the fresh pasta. In the meantime, make an oh-so-speedy microwave pasta sauce by simply putting some chopped cherry tomatoes in a bowl with a generous dollop of fresh pesto, a glug of olive oil and a splash of red wine vinegar. Microwave for a minute or so before stirring through the cooked pasta. Depending on what you have in the fridge – and what you fancy – you can make various additions to the sauce: fresh herbs, flaked salmon or tuna, finely chopped red pepper…

Click here for the full recipe

Ham Bake

Cooking a whole ham may seem like overkill but it’s a really useful thing to have in the fridge as it can quickly added to pasta and salads as well as making those all-important sarnies. This Ham Bake makes a delicious supper in no time.

At a glance: Add some diced ham to an ovenproof dish with some frozen peas and sweetcorn (no need to defrost). Whip up a cheat’s white sauce warming through a tub of crème fraiche with a good handful of cheese and a heaped teaspoon of mustard. Pour the sauce over the ham and vegetables before topping with fresh breadcrumbs and grated parmesan and placing in a hot oven until cooked through and golden and bubbling (about 20 minutes).

Click here for the full recipe

Homemade oven chips

We all resort to frozen oven chips now and again, but homemade ones make a healthier and cheaper alternative.

At a glance: Cut your potatoes into chips, leaving the skin on if you want to score on the health-ometer (and your kids won’t moan!). Par-boil for about eight minutes before draining, placing on a baking sheet and drizzling with olive oil. Cook in a hot oven for 15-20 minutes. Strips of chicken breast that have been rubbed with a little oil and a crumbled stock cube are a tasty addition (make sure the chicken is cooked through).

Click here for the full recipe

What are your go-to family supper recipes? Let us know in the comments section below.