Enjoy decorating your home

Interior design and craft expert Danielle Proud offers great tips on adding personal touches around your home, without adding more strain to your household budget. Check out these cost-effective ideas.

At a time when moving home or having major building work done is beyond most household budgets, a recent survey by AmbiPur 3Volution showed that three-quarters of those surveyed valued personal touches in their homes over larger scale renovation.
However, over half (51%) feel they cannot afford to make those changes they would like, to transform their homes.* So check-out these cost-effective ideas:

Danielle Proud’s home decorating tips
‘It’s such a shame that people aren’t able to refresh their homes as much as they would like. Your home is your haven so it’s important to get the ambience just right.’

Creative Curtains
Even if you rent, bag up the existing curtains and put up your own so you can put the owner’s back when you leave. If you have a sewing machine, tab-top curtains can be very easy to create from some lovely fabric that is personal to you. If you want to revive your current curtains, try adding a trim or fringe to your existing curtains to jazz them up.

Brighten your walls
A creative lamp in one corner will give the room a bright lift. Check out more Savvy tips for Lounge Lighting.
Picture Perfect
Combine framed photos with certificates, quirky cards or pretty pictures from magazines to add further interest to the wall and help you re-live the great times.  To add an extra dimension, use paper butterflies or ribbon to make the frames really eye-catching.
The Power of Flowers
A vase of fresh flowers or a potted floor plant will bring colour and season into your new home. For bright flowers for all seasons, try investing in fabric or long lasting flowers. 
Bathe in Brightness
Bathrooms in rented properties can sometimes be neglected and worn down. To instantly change the style, purchase some tile stickers. Easy to apply and clean, they instantly add a touch of colour and you can remove them easily when you leave.
Savvy tip
Fragrance can make a huge difference in transforming a house into your home. Expert in home fragrance, AmbiPur has now improved the 3Volution range to give you premium fragrances and longer-lasting noticeable freshness, so why not add your favourite fragrance as a personal touch that you will notice in your home all season long.

Pass it on
– try AmbiPur 3Volution for yourself
Go to our Tried and Tested page to download a voucher and sample one of long-lasting premium scents for yourself, then come back to us and let us know what you think.

* Research compiled on 1,009 homeowners by Opinion Matters on behalf of AmbiPur in December 2011