Max impact gardening - 3 bright ideas

Try a few quick ideas to bring instant glam to your garden.

Three ideas to give you a headstart on making the outside of your home look as good the inside.

Easy, pretty borders
Cover the edges of the garden with pinks and whites, even if you don’t want to cultivate perfect roses. Try the woodland effect with charming clouds of Foam flower, which will grow even in shade. Or go for a low-growing Herbaceous geranium (geraniums are pretty good at taking care of themselves). Add variation with the fresh greens of Hostas.

Add different layers to your floral offering by putting in a few climbing plants. Either attach a stretch of trellis to a wall or fence, or get a pretty pot filled with soil and put in three slender poles which you tie together at the top to create a ‘wigwam frame’ effect. Plant Morning Glory or Clematis, and Mile-a-Minute Vine.

Hanging baskets
Buy ready created basket displays or create your own (go for light, pretty options likes pansies and fuchsias). Wait until early June at least to avoid spring frost getting to them. They look lovely by windows and doors, but hang them off trees for colour you can enjoy when looking out into your garden from the house.

Savvy tip
Make sure you don’t attach trellis too close to a wall – plants need to be able to flourish either side of it to grow well.

Pass it on – create a wildlife haven
Focus your efforts to create your own little countryside. Attract birds, bees and other creatures by finding out what you should plant when and where, at