7 tips for decluttering your home

Clutter getting out of control while everyone’s at home? Try our tips to get it sorted so you’ll be able to keep on top of it with ease. Here’s how to go about it…

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When your cupboards are absolutely crammed with clutter, and all that ‘stuff’ is threatening to spill over into other areas, it’s definitely time for a good old clear out. But we know how the impending avalanche of that piled-too-high cupboard can make it easy to put decluttering off. So we’ve rounded up a few clever ways to make the tasks feel easier…

1. Stuff sorting strategy

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer quantities of stuff in the house, it’s time to tackle it head on. A great method is to create three piles, grouping your items into containers to keep, purge/donate or sell. This streamlines the process and gets the excess clutter out of the way quickly.

This strategy can be applied to any type of mess, whether it’s in the hallway, the wardrobe or the back garden.

2. Manage the mail

You’re not alone if it seems like every flat surface in your home has become a landing strip for mail. Keep on top of it by making sure important letters have a designated place where you can pop them as soon as they land on the doormat. This is handy as it helps you remember to answer them if needed.

As for all that junk mail? Shred or recycle it as soon as it arrives. When you receive a new magazine, discard another to keep the stack to a minimum, and set up a display for cards if there is a birthday or other special occasion coming up – a long piece of twine and some clothes pegs should do the trick.

3. Enhance the hallway

Ah, the hallway – where everyone wants to drop their things and dash off. Backpacks, lunchboxes, work bags, gym kits, keys and, of course, shoes – so many shoes!

It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to keep all their coats, bags and shoes in their rooms, so the key for this space is order. Try low shelves with cubbies where everyone can store their shoes, and hang pegs for coat and bag storage, so then at least the floor is clutter-free.

4. Streamline the bathroom

Given the amount of family foot traffic, the bathroom’s organisation can fall apart pretty quickly. Be ruthless about expired cosmetics, medications and almost-empty bottles of shampoo – bin them as soon as they’re out of date or used up (or in the case of medications, give them to your pharmacist to dispose of correctly).

Next, stack small storage boxes under the sink or in the linen cupboard to store hairbands, bobby pins, brushes and anything else that clutters up the surfaces. Giving everyone a personal shower caddy will help to minimise mess – and it’ll settle any squabbles over whose products are whose!

5. Free family space

It’s tough to relax in the family room when it’s littered with clutter, so have a ‘clear coffee table’ policy. Keep on top of loose homework, mail and magazines by creating a “filing system” with a folder for each person in the family. Buy some baskets for electronics such as phone chargers and the TV remote.

And a small sofa-side tray works wonders for keeping coasters and spectacles out of the way but easily reachable.

6. Refresh the refrigerator

How does the fridge get packed so quickly? A regular clean out will help you stay on top of old leftovers and jars that are almost empty or haven’t been used in six months, which is a good rule of thumb for ditching old food, whether it’s been opened or not.

And don’t forget about the freezer. Anything hanging around in there for nine months or more should be tossed.

7. Crack the cupboards

Keep order in your kitchen cupboards by separating long-term dry goods (flour, rice, pasta) from short-term items such as cereal, oatmeal, biscuits and crackers.

Keep the most-used items at eye level and store speciality items or appliances that you only use once in a while (like that toastie maker) on the top shelf.

How often do you de-clutter?
Let us know your strategy in the comments below!