Family Favourites

Family Favourites - Want to feed the family and surprise them every night of the week? Supersavvyme shows you how.

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Even the most prepared cooks throw out useful ingredients. Before opening that new bag of rice or heading to the supermarkets for new ingredients, think about how you might use last night’s leftovers. Here are a few tips to help you feed the family and surprise them every night of the week with exciting new meals.

Plan for left overs

You know you’ll always have left overs at Christmas so why not plan for them? Whatever leftovers you have in your fridge, from the Christmas
Turkey to roasted chili butternut squash chunks; they can become a great street food style fusion for all the family to enjoy. Just add a few more
items to your shopping list to make the leftovers into a delicious meal for when the guests have gone.

Left over pasta to make soup

Collect your pasta splints, shards and leftovers in a bag and when there are enough, bring them to life as a tasty soup. The perfect recipe is a
tomato minestrone soup, but you could be inventive and mix together other leftovers.

Sunday Roast Leftovers

Cooking a roast can seem like an expensive undertaking but actually the ingredients you buy can go a long way. Most of the time you’ll find
you can stretch three meals out of the vegetables from your autumn Sunday dinner. Your leftover roast chicken can be transformed into a𠊌hicken curry for Monday night dinner whilst the vegetables you didn’t cook can be made into the base for lunch time salads.
Another great way to make a saving in the kitchen is to use Fairy when washing up.
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