What men really think about... false eyelashes


What men really think about... false eyelashes

Eyelashes seem to be a detail of little importance. Statistically, between 170 and 400 hairs grow from the upper and lower eyelids. However, eye lashes for women are becoming one of the most important elements of their image. False eyelashes are not only a strong beauty trend, but also a lifesaver for women who struggle with the problem of eyelashes that are too weak or too light.

Woman with fake eyelashes - what do men say about it?



Woman with fake eyelashes - what do men say about it?

Girls love big, bold false eyelashes, but what do the men in our lives really think? We got them to spill the beans

This month, Beauty Recommended polled ten men to find out what they really think about false eyelashes. Do they notice them? Do they like their bold, luscious effect or do they prefer a more natural look?

Well, the results are in: 60% of our panel love them! Read on to find out what our panel of men had to say for themselves.


Do guys like false eyelashes? Such comments came from fans of women with false eyelashes:

“They really open up her eyes and make a statement of intent,” says Neil O’Brien, from Essex. “She looks beautiful and I’m captivated by her glance.”

“This eye look is quite striking. I can tell she is wearing false eyelashes, but only because they’re shaped and look a little too long for them to be real,” says Dimitri Sedashev, from London. “Personally, I like them if they’re not too obvious, and look somewhat natural on a woman. They can add real drama to an eye look.”

How do men react to eyelash extensions? It all depends on the length and size. If the eyelashes don't reach the eyebrows and are not so strong that you can't see out from under them, they are perfectly fine. The eye is more expressive and flirtatious. In some cases, you can't even tell whether the lashes are natural or artificial - that's the best effect. Contrary to what you might think, guys like make-up that is close to natural, unless the girl is going out to an important event - then stronger make-up always catches the eye.Woman with fake eyelashes


Opponents of false eye lashes for women spoke out as follows:

“Personally, I prefer an elegant look which for me is natural eyelashes and subtle make-up,” says Danny Shine, from London. “However, while I don’t think it’s a good look for every day, I do think it’s fun and glamorous for a night out. This model pulls off the false eyelash look very well and at a distance I probably wouldn’t notice they were fake. They look very professional.”

“You can tell she’s wearing false eyelashes but they don’t look unnaturally large or ostentatious,” says Tom Cornish, from Manchester. “I prefer a natural look, but the way she looks here is very striking and I can see how it would really make an impression.”

Natural eyelashes

However, when the false eyelashes are too long or too heavy, the effect is a bit comical and rarely pleases men. You also need to be careful how you stick the false lashes on, as a peeled-off strip on the eye never looks attractive. So do the little clumps that strangely stick out of the lash line. Sometimes it looks very strange.

For men, however, it doesn't really matter whether a girl has had her lashes lengthened or thickened - in fact, they can't see the difference between the two treatments. As long as the lashes look natural, everything is fine.

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