6 ways to keep the kids entertained on a rainy day
If it’s turning out to be a soggy summer – this is Britain, after all! – don’t worry, there’s still plenty of fun to be had, you just have to be a little more creative and resourceful.
Here are some ideas to get you started – and with these, we have a sneaky suspicion you’ll end up having just as much fun as the kids...
Make a spaceship together
Ever since Fairy launched its advert featuring the little boy desperate to make a spaceship using a Fairy Liquid bottle (you can watch the video here), mums and dads across the country wanted to know how their child could (eventually) make a rocket of their own.
So here are the instructions:
N.B. For the first three steps, if your children are old enough to do the cutting themselves, make sure you are around to supervise.
1. Cut the base off the empty Fairy Liquid bottle.
2. Make a cone shape out of card that fits the bottom of the Fairy bottle. Cut four slits into the cone at 12, 3, 6 and 9 o’clock.
3. Cut four fins out of card, leaving an extra strip along the long, straight edge of each one to slot into the cone.
4. Slot the fins into the cone, folding the edges inside and taping in place. Paint the cone and fins silver or in a colour of your choice.
5. Stick the cone to the bottom of the Fairy Liquid bottle.
6. Make a smaller cone to fix over the lid end of the bottle, and paint it in the same colour as the base.
7. Stick strips of orange and red tissue paper to the base of the rocket and decorate as you please.
Then your little astronaut can have lots of fun going on adventures to outer space while indoors with their new rocket.
If you’re still waiting for your Fairy Liquid to run out, here are 10 other crafty activities for the kids to try.
Build a den
An indoor den makes storytime even more magical. Here’s how to do it.
Gather your dining table chairs and line them up with two or three on each side, their backs facing inwards. Lay blankets over the top of the chairs and peg in place. Lay more blankets or duvets over the floor inside and fill with cushions. Dim the lights, gather in the den and read your favourite books or tell stories by torchlight.
Make a mini cinema
An easy fix for a rainy day is to watch a family movie together. To make it more of an occasion, draw the curtains, turn out the lights and bring in the duvets.
You can also supply cinema-style snacks. Put out bowls of popcorn, nachos with homemade guacamole, and mini hot dog bites, made by cutting up buns into smaller pieces and filling with a cocktail sausage and a blob of tomato sauce. You can even make your own strawberry ice cream in just three minutes with our easy recipe.
Play a game
Switch off the TV and dust off your favourite family board game, or play a classic party game like musical chairs, musical statues or hide and seek.
Or you could try blowing up a balloon and bouncing it between you with the rule that it can’t touch the floor or your hands!
Another idea is to stick a strip of masking tape to the floor and using it as a pretend balance beam. Take turns carefully walking up and down it without ‘falling off’ – you can make it harder by going backwards or hopping.
Then there’s indoor bowling with empty water bottles and a tennis ball, or a treasure hunt around the house with cryptic clues.
For even more ideas, see our article on Five activities kids will love more than the computer.
Have a sing-song
If you have an instrument player in your family, ask them to play some songs you can all sing along to. If not, search for karaoke channels on YouTube, grab a hairbrush as a pretend microphone and sing your heart out to your favourite tunes. Perhaps warn the neighbours about this one first!
Go for a (wet) walk
It might be raining but, as the Swedish say, there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. Wear your waterproofs and your wellies and head to the park. At least the temperature should be mild, and kids will love splashing around in the puddles and getting muddy.
Then, when you get home, you can run a big bubble bath to clean up and have a ball splashing around. Perfect!
Do you have any ideas for great indoor activities with the kids? Let us know in the comments section below.