Stress-free stain-solving solutions for your upholstery


Nothing in life is perfect, and that includes our upholstery! From coffee-cup rings to pet stains to everyday wear and tear, they sure do go through a lot, so the odd mark here and there is inevitable. Thankfully, there are many ways to deal with them. Here, we’ve listed some useful tips and tricks on how to clean stained upholstery, so you can kick back and relax in a clean and comfy environment.



Ways to treat stains on upholstery 

How to clean material car seats?

How to clean leather car seats?

How to remove stains from a couch?

How do you remove coffee and tea stains from a sofa?

How do you remove a red wine stain on a couch?

How do you get pen out of a fabric couch? 

How do you remove oil stains from a sofa? 

How do you clean urine from a couch?

How do you clean chocolate from the sofa?

How do you remove candle wax from upholstery?

How do you remove a water stain from a fabric couch?


Ways to treat stains on upholstery

If you’ve been wondering how to remove stains from auto upholstery or stains on your fabric sofa, or even stains on your kitchen chairs, there are certain steps you should follow to ensure you clean them properly:


Use the right detergents Different materials will require different solutions to remove stains. For example, cotton will be cleaned differently to leather. Always check the care instructions on the upholstery or consult the manufacturer before making a start. It’s also always best to do a spot test in an inconspicuous area to avoid damage.


Wash in the right direction Remember to wash upholstery in the right direction as this can help maintain its appearance and prolong its lifespan. The direction will depend on the type of material. Also note that rubbing too hard and applying excessive force can lead to damage. Your upholstery needs tender loving care, too!


Use stain removers and stronger agents for difficult stains For more stubborn stains, you should follow specific cleaning techniques or use specialised stain removers. These will differ depending on the type of material. As much as you’ll be tempted to scrub vigorously as you clean stains on your car upholstery, remember to be gentle so as to avoid damaging the fabric.


Dry upholstery Ensuring you complete this step properly is crucial to prevent mould, mildew and other unpleasant issues. The drying technique will depend on the material and the type of upholstery, but the general rules are ensuring that you dry it thoroughly, ensure good ventilation to speed up the process, and avoid heat to prevent possible damage. You should refer to the care instructions on the upholstery to check for specific drying requirements.


Brush upholstery This is an effective way to maintain the appearance of your upholstery, as well as get rid of surface dirt and debris. The method will depend on the material and type of upholstery, but the general guidelines to follow are to be gentle, to maintain the upholstery regularly, and to test the brush on an inconspicuous patch before brushing the entire surface to avoid unnecessary damage.


Iron upholstery materials Although this step is not advised for all materials, there are some occasions when ironing might be appropriate, but the key is to be extra gentle and careful. You should always check the care label, test in an inconspicuous area first and use low heat to avoid any damage.


How to clean material car seats?

So your car upholstery has taken a battering over many a school run! But what is the best way to clean car seats and make them shine again? Depending on the type of stain, you might be able to clean it using homemade methods. A useful trick is to sprinkle the upholstery with baking soda (to remove water stains on upholstery, for example) before squeezing some lemon juice on top. This will produce a lather which you’ll be able to wipe over the fabric. Make sure to test it on an inconspicuous patch before going ahead. Using a soft brush or sponge, gently scrub the material one section at a time. Then, wipe the car seats with a clean cloth while ensuring that you don’t oversaturate the fabric, and allow it to dry completely before use. Removing stains from your car seats has never been easier!


How to clean leather car seats?

If you’ve been wondering how to clean stained leather car seats, we’ve got your answer. A slightly different approach is required for this type of material. At first glance, you may not think that leather is as prone to staining as other fabrics, but there are some common ones that you should look out for:


  • Food and drink Drinks such as coffee or fizzy drinks, and foods such as sauces and oils can all stain leather if not promptly addressed

  • Ink Leaking pens can leave stains on your seats if not immediately cleaned

  • Mud Dirt from clothes or shoes can accumulate on your leather seats, leading to long-term staining

  • Body oils and sweat These can accumulate over time on leather, leading to darker patches

  • Dye Dye from clothes such as jeans can transfer onto lighter-coloured leather, leading to discolouration


If these spillages are addressed promptly, plain water may be enough to get rid of these marks and to avoid long-term stains. However, if these marks have been there for longer or have accumulated over time, it is best to use a mild leather cleaner. Homemade methods tend to dry out leather, so it’s recommended to apply leather conditioner once the material is dry to maintain its condition. Note that it is best to always consult the care label for the right way forward. You can also use a household appliance or a car hoover found at a petrol station for general cleaning and maintenance of your leather car seats.


How to remove stains from a couch?

We spend so much time on the sofa, whether that be reading a good book, socialising over a cuppa with the family or catching quick forty winks. It’s no wonder then that our couches are highly susceptible to stains! And while there are many ways to stain a couch, there are many ways to treat it:


  • How do you remove coffee and tea stains from a sofa?

    If still wet, cover the mark with paper towels to absorb the liquid. Then, mix some water with a dash of mild detergent and gently rub the stain in a circular motion. Wipe the solution off with a clean, damp cloth and allow it to dry thoroughly.


  • How do you remove a red wine stain on a couch?

    If still wet, cover the stain with paper towels to absorb the remaining liquid. Then, pour baking soda over the mark and coat it with vinegar. Leave this to absorb for a few minutes, and let it bubble! Rinse the solution with a clean, damp cloth and allow it to dry thoroughly.


  • How do you get pen out of a fabric couch?

    Mix 1 tablespoon of washing up liquid, 1 tablespoon of white vinegar and 2 cups of warm water. Blot the ink stain and gently rub it with the solution in a circular motion. Once the stain is lifted, dab it with a separate dry cloth and leave it to dry thoroughly.


  • How do you remove oil stains from a sofa?

    If the stain is fresh, soak up the oil or butter with paper towels. Then, sprinkle baking soda or cornflour over the stain to absorb the remaining oil. Brush off or vacuum the powder, and then treat the rest with a mix of water and washing up liquid. Allow it to dry thoroughly.


  • How do you clean urine from a couch?

    Removing urine stains and smells requires prompt and thorough cleaning. Start by soaking up as much of the urine as possible using fabric or paper towels. Then, dampen a clean cloth with water and blot the spoiled area to remove any remaining urine. Sprinkle baking soda over the area and allow this to sit for about 5 minutes, before vacuuming it up. Then, mix half a cup of hydrogen peroxide with 1 teaspoon of washing up liquid (make sure to keep this solution away from children or animals as it can be toxic if inhaled, ingested or if it makes contact with the skin). Dampen a cloth with this solution and gently rub the affected area. Damp a clean cloth with water and rinse the area, before allowing it to dry thoroughly.


  • How do you clean chocolate from the sofa?

    If the chocolate is dry, scrape off the excess chocolate with a blunt knife or spoon. Then, gently dab at the mark with a mix of warm water and washing up liquid, before allowing it to dry thoroughly. Top tip: if you spot the chocolate stain before it’s got the chance to set, place an ice cube over it. This will harden the chocolate and make it easier to remove later on!


  • How do you remove candle wax from upholstery?

    Wait until the wax has dried, and then scrape off the excess using a blunt knife or spoon (top tip: you can also place an ice cube over the wax to speed up the drying process here too!). If scraping off the wax doesn’t fully solve the problem, use a paper bag or a plain piece of paper and an iron to remove the rest. Set your iron to low-medium heat. Then, place the sheet of paper on top of the wax and carefully move the iron back and forth. This will transfer the wax remains from your sofa and onto the paper!


  • How do you remove a water stain from a fabric couch?

    Sprinkle some baking soda over the stain and leave it for 20 minutes before vacuuming it up. Then, mix 2 cups of distilled water with half a cup of white vinegar. Dip a clean cloth into the solution and squeeze excess liquid out, making sure the cloth is damp and not wet. Gently dab at the stain and, when done, allow it to dry thoroughly.

Now you’ve got your upholstery smelling fresh, why not check out these 4 ways to make your whole home smell like a dream?